Friday, January 18, 2013

Thanks, Friends!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, all the money we raise through the sale of the book we are donating to World Vision. The money will go to buying school supplies and books for kids in other countries:

So far, I have sold 20 books on Amazon, and I just ran out of my first order, which was 40 books. Wow! Where did they all go? I was so excited about how many people bought a copy and I had no idea how many books I would be signing. And since I still have friends who don't have copies, I had to place another order.

Thank you to everybody who has donated to this cause! It means so much to me.


June 21
Best Moment: 
When she discovered the door was unlocked
Humorous, stubborn, daring
Greatest Wish: 
For Courtney to laugh at her jokes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Scene Drawings

This is 9-year-old Stephen B's drawing. He calls it "Fire hair". The girl pointing is McKenna yelling, "Bad fairies coming from the east!"

Monday, January 7, 2013


Amethyst Butternut

February 24

 Emerald, Sapphire,Topaz, Opal

A leader, determined, quiet, brave

Greatest Wish: 
For all evil to be gone

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's More Official!

Guess what!!!! Yesterday I said soon The Hidden Amethyst would go on Amazon.
Can you guess why I'm posting?


This means it is official!!!! My book is officially published! I am an official author!!

Here's the link.

The Hidden Amethyst on Amazon!

Please check it out if you get the chance.

I will start posting character files next week!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's Official!

Guess what? So I had to order another proof, and it came today!! We approved it!!!!!! It’s on CreateSpace’s website, available for sale right now!!!  
And in the next week it’ll be on Amazon as well!!! I can’t believe it! I am a real author now! 
I have some more exciting news! I am using all the proceeds from this book to raise money for a special cause. I will be helping to buy school supplies for students in poor countries, through World Vision:
I’m hoping to raise $200. I was looking at the website, and the money I raise will go sooooo far in helping children learn. 

Happy New Year!  So far 2013 has been awesome!