Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hidden Amethyst Hits the Big Screen! (Okay, not really)

First of all I have to say I’m sorry for not posting all summertime. I was very busy writing my next book, and I figured that was a smidgen more important. But anyway I’m posting today to reveal some pretty awesome news.

A few months ago, my friend Eli contacted me to say he read and loved my book, and if I would like him to make a TV show about Amethyst’s adventures at the asylum. I said yes, of course, with much excitement.

The first episode in this series, titled Trouble Twins, follows Amethyst as she struggles through the twins’ pranks, tricks, and trouble-making. Though the episode focuses on Amethyst, Miranda, and the twins, McKenna and Courtney do make a brief appeareance as well. Also, he has decided Miss Odelia’s last name is going to be Buchanan (ha, ha, Eli).

Eli hopes to finish the first episode within a few weeks, after which it will be posted on YouTube. The actresses he has are very talented people and I am really excited not only to see this 1st epsiode but to see the future episodes as well! Additionally, he will have posters for sale eventually.

Once all of this is available I will let you all know immediately. I am so stoked about this, and I can’t wait to see the finished product! For more information, or if you have any questions, you can email me at